Round 2 Models- Wonderfest Recap
So, how was your weekend? If I can count my day off after Wonderfest as my weekend, I can say mine was restful. The week of the show was incredibly busy working day and night to prepare for it. As always, it was a good show. I really get an energy boost from it by being able to talk to all of our customers out there that enjoy the product I pour so much time and effort into.
This year, we had our usual display of buildups and our annual survey. This year’s version had quite a bit less of letting us know what you want as far as specific model subjects go (we have a pretty good handle on that by now) and focused more on your process.
On Saturday at noon, we held our panel in Theater A. Everyone that had come to the booth asking what our big announcement would be, attended the panel. I was happy to see all of the familiar faces. I hate the idea of getting up in front of a crowd and speaking but I stumbled through the first part where I talked about all of the more boring stuff about the company without losing anyone. After a very short Q&A I read a letter from Tom Lowe. Those who weren’t there can read it here.
So we will be producing a 1:350 sale TOS Enterprise and we’ll be presenting it a couple ways. I will summarize our plans here.
1:350 TOS Enterprise Standard Edition
This will contain everything you need to create the production version of the ship including shuttle bay and will be available through all of your usual model retailers for an SRP of $124.95.
TOS Enterprise Accessory Pack
This will include weathering decals, photo-etched parts and a light kit including motors to turn the Bussard fan blades. We have a target price for this but will announce it once the time comes to take orders on it.
1:350 TOS Enterprise Premiere Edition
This was the kit we were talking up the most and for obvious reasons. It includes everything in the standard version plus parts to make the 1st & 2nd Pilot versions. It comes in a commemorative box and includes a serial-numbered certificate of authenticity. The kit is a limited edition of 1701 pieces for the price of $149.99 and is scheduled to arrive before the standard version hits stores. The kit is really aimed at all of you Star Trek modelers who have been waiting patiently for the kit to come out. It is available exclusively through Round 2 and we started the pre-order sign-ups at the show. As an added bonus, everyone who pre-orders is invited to join what we are calling the 1701 CLUB. Membership in the club gets you a t-shirt to wear as a banner to tell everyone that you were there on the ground floor of this kit. The shirts themselves are also limited editions. We have 100 gold, 250 blue and the rest are red. Members will be sent email updates about the development as well as some interviews and a few never before seen pics of the filming model. This will be the ONLY place we will be giving out development updates. So past this post, this blog will be mum on the subject until the standard kit is ready to hit the stores.
I’m sure you’ve got questions. Hopefully these are the answers…
The kits will be out sometime in 2012. It could be anytime between March and October.
You can reserve up to 5 Premiere kits right now but if we have 1701 members, 1701 people will get kits. If we fall short of that number we will come up with a system to allocate the rest.
Only one shirt per member regardless of how many kits you want to buy.
You can register for the 1701 CLUB and reserve your kits here.
We still had some gold shirts available after Wonderfest but the people who have found the sign up page have taken us well into the blue ones.
If more than 1701 people register for the presell, anyone over that number can still signup and may be offered the chance to buy a kit if someone else decides not to buy their kit.
We will likely release the pilot parts separately once all of the Premiere Edition kits have been sold out. The combined SRP for a standard kit and the extra parts will be no less than the price of the Premiere Edition.
We taped the whole presentation and hope to have it edited to put up on You Tube. It wasn’t much of a site as far flashy graphics goes. It was just me and then me and Gary Kerr talking. I did show the first images of the digital mockup from the factory. They made some pretty glaring mistakes but they also got a ton of it right to my surprise. I credit Gary for that one. So here are the pics of the mockup in its current form. I’ll let you know when the You Tube video goes up and then it will be radio silence. Go sign up for the CLUB, if you please.
So for those of us who signed up already, when will we get a confirmation and what color shirt we are getting. If we get a shirt , does that mean that we are in on the first 1701 kits?
Hooray! Whatever shirt I get, I’ll be happy. It think this is gonna be a great sell. Rumor has it that based on sales for this kit, you folks might expand the 1/350 line. Wow!
You just know someone’s going to build this kit with the engines upside down like that, and put it on eBay.
PS. Rumor also has it that grid lines may be done? If it’s the top saucer grid lines that were removed for the 1/650 kit, thin styrene rod can be bought for individuals who want to add it. They’re harder to sand away than to add is all I’m saying on that point. 🙂
I’m thrilled this great kit will soon be a reality! Other then the Polar Lights 1/1000 TOS Enterprise there has never been a decent kit of this ship available in a large size.
These mockup pictures look to be a great start and I look forward to seeing more pictures as the release draws closer.
I’m also glad to hear the Pilot parts will most likely be made available separately for use on the Standard Edition kits. I’m sure there are many others who will want to build the Pilot versions along with the Production E. I happen to like the Pilot Enterprises a bit more then the Production model.
Thanks again for all the effort you put into this project! I can’t wait to get my Premiere Edition TOS E.
Excellant news! I did not make it to Wonderfest, but sure wish I did. I have pre-ordered and hope I made it into the Gold, but don’t think so. I’ll have to lose some weight to fit into an XL…
Jamie, it looks absolutely fantastic, and a friend and I have already signed up for Premiere Edition eligibily. Looking forward to it and the accessory kits!
I did want to ask – is there any info you can give us on the new-tool King Kong kit? I don’t expect to see it any time soon with other kits taking precedence, but is it possible to give details regarding scale, and which version of Kong you have in mind?
Hi,Jamie,Its great to hear the news about the 1:350 Enterprise! What is the position for those of us outside the USA? Will we be able to join the 1701 preorder club? If so,I wonder what sort of price we will be expecting to pay with shipping and customs duty etc! Keep up the good work!
Well, I mostly do car models m’self (looking forward to the Batmobile and various AMT/MPC auto reissues)- but dammit, somebody needs to start hollering up the rafters about this one! KILLER! I’ll take one of each!
Bring it in at the level of that 1:350 refit kit or better, and well, wow. Just WOW.
Heck, I might just hafta join that club…
Jamie, you and the rest of the team have made us Trek nerds very happy, thanks!
To all, I couldn’t have been happier to deliver the good news. To answer some questions…
We can’t confirm shirt colors. When you receive them, you’ll know what color you will get. If you signed up yesterday, you’ve probably got a good chance of being blue.
About more 1:350 scale/ large size kits, what I said in my presentation was that this one has to do very well for any chance of being able to do other large kits. That would include (in no particular order) 1:350 K’tinga, 1:1000 Enterprise D and 1:1000 Akira. If this kit won’t sell well enough in this size, nothing will.
Gird lines- We will attempt to engrave fine lines similar to the quality of engraved lines on a Tamiya aircraft hull. If we can’t get them that fine, we won’t have them at all.
King Kong is on the backburner right now.
We need to figure out how to handle overseas orders. We will address this soon.
Are the shirts shipping out right away, or do they come with the kits
There will be a slight delay before we get any out, but once we get our system dialed in, we’ll start shipping out shirts hopefully within the next two weeks.
Cool tanks. On a seperate note, I am eagerly waiting on the Batmobiles. Will the be in this month
Jamie, The TOS Enterprise didn’t have any actual grid lines, as far as I know?! The top saucer grid and the ‘triangles’ on the lower saucer were drawn on. Though, I’m sure you have a lot more knowledge of this then I do. 🙂
If adding gridlines are more time consuming and costly then maybe those can be left off.
As a Trek model builder who falls in the middle of the pack in terms of purchasing multiple kits. Some model builders will only buy one of any of these models, and others go the hoard route.
For the smaller kits like the two 1/1000 scale 1701s (both TOS and Refit), I have owned at least a dozen of each (more of the TOS as it was out longer).
The older 1/350 refit ended up stacking up to about eight copies in my collection. Granted it’s half the price of the TOS 1/350 (at least the early editions), but that didn’t affect my decision. I would’ve bought as many at $100+ as I did some build-ups and wanted several for myself.
For this 1/350 TOS I’ll at least purchase 3 for myself, and possible more if I get build-up requests. Overall I believe you guys are going to do pretty okay with this release. You’ll likely garner sales from model builders who don’t normally build Science Fiction subjects too – I’ve managed to snag off-subject kits myself, especially when something truly fascinating is released (i.e. I’m not a submarine builder but that 1:72 German U-Boat by Revell was too cool to pass up).
I won’t build one with the nacelles upside down and put it on eBay, I promise. Okay, I take that back, it might be funny to see if it sells.
Batmobiles will be in stores in June. They are on the water right now.
The Enterprise filming model had no engraved lines but it did have grid lines drawn on. They were a grid and not just notes to place the registries. I’ve seen pictures of them for myself. Like I said, basically if we can’t get them hair fine, we won’t include them.
June huh? Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me! I can’t wait for the Bats to fly again. The 1/32nd was a real treat but the 1/25th is going to be like christmas. You guys did an excellent job on the Batmobile. Congratulations.
Does the Premiere include the TOS accessory pack?
I assume so but wanted to make sure.
I like the T-shirt premium. Maybe it can be done with the Deluxe Batmobile?
The Premiere Edition does not include the Accessory Pack. The main difference as far as the parts contained in the two kits is that the Premiere has the parts for the Pilot versions while the Standard kit does not. It only includes the parts to make the Production version.
I just want to tell all involved with the Enterprise 1/350:
Such great news!
I’ll pick up one Standard Edition, one Premiere Edition, and two Accessory Packs for sure!
I just signed up into the 1701 Club. I can’t wait for this kit to come out.
Huge thanks to the Round 2 folks who have kept ‘Star Trek’ modeling alive and well throughout these past years. You all are the best!
Geek Question – With those linked pictures of classic ‘E’ in this blog entry, why are the warp nacelle intercoolers incorrectly placed?
Any chance of being able to tell us a little more about the Accessory Pack? Basically what the photo etched parts will be, and the timeline of release when the Premiere Edition is released?
I hope the accessory pack will be ready for release with the standard kit. There is a lot to be done before we can nail down dates. As for what will be included on the photoetch, that is for 1701CLUB members to learn as we go.
How will we get this info, via email?
When I registerd for the 1701 Club I received an e-mail with the following title and response:
Round2, LLC – – Profile Updates
“Updates to your personal preferences and mailings were successfully saved.
Thank you.”
I just want to make sure this is OK and my registration to the 1701 club went through.
1701 CLUB members are placed on a special email list. We will send occasional email updates and special articles in a format similar to our monthly enewsletter.
Automatic responses after signing up are normal. The one like Crowe-T got just notify people already on our Round 2 Models email list that they are also now on the 1701 CLUB list.
signed up , this is going to look great between my NX-01 and refit.
we are glad to hear it is going to be done. Did i hear 1/1000 D and Akira
possible if this does well? ok , will do what i can to help and buy 2 or 3.
I would love to add a 1/1000 D to the fleet. Even a 1/1000 Voyager and defiant if they happen to come about.
Will the 350 TOS have a Shuttlebay ? like the Refit did that would rule !
The grid lines were indeed drawn on. But only on the production version. The two pilot versions didn’t have them.
The story is, the production version didn’t have them either. They were drawn on after the model was delivered to the studio, at Roddenberry’s insistence. Even then they were drawn on as lightly as they could get away with.
I hope you guys leave them off, and leave their application up to the modeler. They are so unsightly on the Master Replicas version, I’m still thinking about repainting it.
I was at Wonderfest and sat in on the anouncement (I’m the one who asked about the grid lines). After that, I signed up downstairs, second in line! I got my gold shirt and wear it proudly. But, how do I know you guys were able to read my chicken scratch handwriting for my e-mail address? I was just a little excited. When will 1701 Club members get the first “official” email? Oh, and a big thanks from me for doing this kit. It’s early, but I would also love to see a 1\1000 Enterprise D!
Not to change the subject, but at Wonderfest the box art for the 22″ Enterprise Cut-Away was shown. A fellow on another board said he was told that this was just a “joke”, and Round 2 will not release this kit. Personally, I’d like to see the kit offered again, especially if it were made more accurate. Jamie, can you shead some light on this?
jamesironwolf- Other large kits (the ones you mention qualify for that) will only happen if the 1:350 TOS kit does really well. If a large format of the TOS ship can’t perform well, nothing can.
tuvok- yes, the kit will include an interior shuttle bay with two shuttles.
max- do you know of any photos online that show the MR grid lines. I’d be interested in seeing them.
Robiwon- reading some of the handwriting on the sign up cards has been challenging in a few cases. As long as we can decipher the email address, we should be okay. I hope to get the first email out by the middle of June. So that likely means by the end of June. 🙂
spock62- The cutaway box was intended to be a red herring/joke. I meant to talk about it in our presentation but that was the one thing that slipped my mind in all of the excitement. I took the box off the table as soon as we got back from the presentation. The problem was no one bit on it and it seems that many people are interested in bringing the kit back out. I’ve always meant to bring all of the classic AMT kits back out in their own due time (whenever I can get around to figuring out how to spruce it up). With the release of the 1:350 scale kit next year, I don’t think we’ll be able to bring it out in 2012 but seeing the interest makes it a possibility for 2013. I’m sorry if I got anyone’s hopes up too terribly high. I guess there is no excuse for a bad sense of humor.
Hey, Jamie!
First off, great news about the 350th TOS E. Thanks!
Secondly, a couple of suggestions for when AMT gets around to re-releasing the Cut-away Enterprise.
I’m sure that many people bought this kit in the past with the thought of building it as a non-cutaway but were stymied or completely put-off by the rather formidable task of puttying the seam on the primary hull.
It would be great if you could include non-cutaway primary hull halves next time (along with a non-cutaway nacelle dome, of course).
you’d then have a kit that appeals to those builders who want an Enterprise larger than the PL 1000th scale kit and the 350th E.
Thanks for your time.
can i make a suggestion while your in the development Phase ,
if Memory Serves Correctly the Bridge Dome on the TOS enterprise was a glass Dome , i think it would be cool to have a Scale Bridge to put underneath that Dome. that way you can look through the dome and see the bridge Detail. but please if this can be included Make the Part Clear for those that want to try to get the Station lights on the Consoles.
A better joke would have been to have a box of the Scorpion kit from Nemesis, and drop hints that it was going be be your big re-release, and that everything else was on hold for four years.
Still don’t know if us Brits are OK to sign up for this club-? (I already have so hopefully it’s ok!)
Yes i did read that part and will be getting 2 of the 350 tos where i only have one 350 refit and 350 nx-01. a 1/1000 D would be large.
however a 1/1000 Voyager should be only a bit larger than the 1/1000 refit.
and a 1/1000 Defiant (the ship from DS9) would be about as long as the refit or tos enterprise saucer. If i am correct. think i am fairly close on the sizes.
just wondering if any decision had been made regarding people outside the U.S. & Canada joining the 1701 club???
Jamie, email me at [email protected] and I’ll get you some close ups of my MR Enterprise (#1) primary hull.
I’m very much looking forward to this model and would be happy to help in whatever way I can.
Was just Wondering? Will the Gold Shirts be offered items before the Blue or Red Shirts?, or items exclusive to the gold shirts that the blue and reds won’t be able to get? Why not just give everyone a Gold Shirt that signs up for the 1701 club there are onley 1701 of them right? Makes one feel kinda inferior and less than if I’m a blue or red shirt….or am I just being too Whatever? Why cause us Stress…..I’m freakin out….:( I’m sorry I’m obsessed. 🙂
Here you are Jamie. I posted pics of the MR E’s grids for you on my blog.
If you want any other pics of the model just ask.
I am so happy that this is going to happen! I signed up for the 1701 club as soon as I found out and I have been telling all of my model building buddies to get on the list ASAP!
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
You guys ROCK!
Nomad- That probably would have been the way to go. As far as overseas sales, we are trying to work that out. We may be limited by our licensing terms. We will let you all know soon on that.
Kawasakiinvader- We wanted the kit to be special and offer everyone who jumps on board with it to receive an extra token of appreciation to hold you over until the kits arrive. It turned out to be a T-shirt. We then decided to reward the fans that keep coming to see us at Wonderfest each year so we decided to make a shirt aimed at them so as we thought about it some more, we decided to give a little something extra to all of the people who would be super hungry to sign up right away. It all turned into three shirt colors and what we hope is perceived as an additional fun aspect. Other than the color of the shirt, nothing else makes one club member different from another. Every product will be the same.
Max- Thanks. I’ll take a look. Thanks to everyone for posting and helping spread the word.
What is the estimate for the Enterprise C hitting the shelves?
Of course I am in for the big E as well.
Signed up as soon as I read this. But I would like to ask something else since it was brought up here by someone else.
What are the chances of getting some TNG era ships beside the Enterprise D? Don’t get me wrong I love all that you guys have done for us Star Trek Modellers, but I would love to see a 1/1000th Voyager and Defiant. This was talked about a little way back when, but there has been nothing said about this is a long time. The only small Voyager is in the 3 piece set and they go for about $70- $100 on Ebay. I just thing that a 1/1000th Voyager would do good…
A couple of comments.
First, Hobbylinc has been listing these two modle kits on their website for quite some time now, at least since February of this year. Nice to see you catching up! 😉
Second, no grid lines, no grid lines, NO GRID LINES!
The grid lines were never a part of the original filming models. The lines were added to AMT model and then, based on this model, incorporated into blueprints designed by Fraz Joseph.
I dated a woman in college who visited the National Air and Space Museum in 1990 and took pictures of the Enterprise model on display. I saw those pictures ( and wish I still had them!) At the time, under that restoration, no grid lines.
I went to the museum in 1993 and saw the model for myself and no grid lines.
Here is an image of Leonard Nimoy hold what appears to be an official prop. I don’t know if this was a filming model, but it certainly is not an AMT model.
(I had this album as a child growing up. There were no grid lines on the Enterprise model Nimoy is holding.)
Round 2 did the right thing by not including them on the 1/1000 Polar Lights kit and then by removing them from the re-release of the original AMT kit.
Bubba – Nimoy is holding the 3 foot filming model in the picture you have linked. This model was basically a maquette that was built for approval before proceeding to the 11 foot version. However, it was still used on screen a few times. The biggest difference from the 11 foot version is that the 3 foot model had no interior lights.
While I have no opinion on the grid lines controversy, bear in mind that there are significant differences between the 3 foot studio model and the 11 foot version. I assume R2’s kit will be based on the more frequently seen 11 foot version, but perhaps Jamie can confirm that?
Jamie has already stated that the new kit will be based on the 11 footer. The grid lines don’t bother me. If I’m shelling out $150 for a model kit I better have the skills to either add or remove gridlines if I choose to.
It doesn’t matter to me if it is based on the 3 foot or the 11 foot model. Just as long as there are NO grid lines I’ll be happy.
If this is democracy, I also vote No to grid lines – I’ve only ever seen them on blueprints, toys and model kits – never on screen or on any photos of the original model… speaking of which, here it is the Smithsonian in 1986 – possibly in the same state that Bubba Hotep saw it in 1993… several details are different from its on-camera days – but no grid lines.
This is excellent news, I love the large kits and have the two 1:350 Polar Lights Kits released. I do have one question, does the standard 1701 kit come with decals or will you have to buy them separately?
My dream would be to have a 1701-B release in 1/350 (insanely long!), yes it will never happen but one can hope that if this TOS enterprise sells really well maybe you guys will move up the numbers 😉
I really dislike ‘box scale’ models which have odd scales so I’m hoping all new tool releases will be metric! Oh is the Akira ever happening? I guess not.
If we didn’t have photographic evidence of there being grid lines drawn on the ship, we would not be considering it. Unfortunately we cannot share the pics.
Will we be seeing the t shirts anytime soon. Its been a few weeks since Wonderfest.
I hope to get them out next week.
Jamie, certainly the grid lines were drawn on. That’s not in dispute; it’s visible on screen (the shot showing part of the Enterprise and the Constellation in “The Doomsday Machine” comes to mind). They certainly weren’t engraved, though, and it’s hard to replicate the look with engraving, especially on a model so much smaller than the filming miniature. The engraved grid lines are a failing of the MR model.
Either way, though, you have us excited about this kit!
So will we also receive any certificates with the t shirt. The shirts mean that we will be included in getting the first 1701 releases correct
Well like everyone I’m really looking forward to this kit. Just miffed we can’t get the T shirts or the limited edition in the UK. Going to look very nice with the movie Enterprise.
There may be a little bit of literature tucked in the package with the t-shirt. Not sure. If you have signed up for the kit, you have done so in time. We haven’t reached our limit yet.
Yep, shame about the T-shirts… I get my application in on day 1 so thought I was in line for a blue one at least! 🙂 Never mind – the kit is the main thing; it’s been possible to find all the previous Round 2 kits over here -though at inflated prices – so hopefully this one will be no different. Sorry to miss out on the email updates though.
Some compensation: Revell are releasing quite nice-looking new 1/600 kits of the TOS Enterprise and Klingon ship in Europe this Autumn:
These will help to slake out appetites till the real thing gets here!
Jamie, have the Batmobiles arrived in dock yet. I heard rumors they would be in stores next week
Why not include both a no grid saucer and a grid saucer and the modeler can choose which to use?
Hi Jamie,
Can you clarify if people outside the US (I’m in the UK) are able to participate in the premium editon kit, or not ? I keep seeing references (not directly from Round 2)that we cannot, but can you advise progress please. For info I signed up almost at once and got the confirmation e mail that everyone got, so I am hoping the glass is half full and a T shirt will be mine, followed by the kit itself in premium shape! Many thanks,
Jamie, I hate to beat a dead horse…. but I’m hoping you DON’T include the grid lines on the 1/350 TOS E. Engraved grid lines may be a nice detail but weren’t on the studio model, just a grid drawn on with a pencil. Since you(Round 2) went through the trouble of removing the raised grid lines on the AMT 18″ TOS E’s saucer I’m a bit surprised engraved grid lined are being considered on the 1/350.
This all being said, I’m so happy the 1/350 TOS E is being produced. Even if it does come with the engraved grid lines I’m sure no one, including myself, will care. This will be the only large scale, ‘accurate’ version of the TOS E to date.
Thanks again and I’m looking forward to the day I receive mine. 🙂
jaws- The snap kits arrived in our warehouse last week. They should be on store shelves any day now.
BatToys- that would be an expensive solution.
Magnification- We are sorry to say that we will not be able to allowed to ship the product to anyone outside the US and Canada as limited by our licensing agreement.
Seems to me if the grid lines were drawn on the original in pencil, they should be drawn on the kit in pencil if you want them. I won’t be boycotting the kit either way though!
BTW there’s a reissue of the larger Enterprise C kit advertised for pre-order at http://www.culttvmanshop.com … is that correct? And are there any other kits due for release this year?
Nomad- yes, we will be bringing back the 1:1400 scale C later in the year. We’ll be updating our website soon with our upcoming offerings.
JamieH, I’m confused. On both the 1/1000 scale Enterprise and on the re-release of 1/650 scale Enterprise, you had photographic evidence of saucer grid lines yet opted not to include the lines on the models or removed the lines from the model?
Personally, I’ve never seen grid lines on the original Enterprise outside of the Franz Joseph blueprints and the AMT models. And in the link that Nomad provided, the model on display at the Air and Space Museum at one point was sans lines.
Here is Matt Jefferies stating how he tried to keep the exterior of the model as simple as possible.
I’ve seen clearer photos than these…
Jamie. I just got in the mail the first edition of your Auto World Catalogue. It still shows the new movie Enterprise coming this fall. Was this printed a long time ago, or is this a nice surprise.
The catalog has been underway for quite some time but has been assembled by an outside source working from old information. To say the least I wish I had seen the catalog before it was printed but I am pretty far removed from the retail end of the company.
I have read on SSM that the 1701 Club newsletter went out this morning. I was second in line at the Wonderfest sign up and I got no email today. I even checked my junkmail folder and nothing……………………………………….
Thanks for the quick action on this Andy. I recieved my newsletter this morning. Great news!
I also am signed up for this kit, but did not receive the newsletter (checked spam folder also). I was referred here by robiwon, who suggested I post here.
I guess I have to join the crowd. I signed up for the kit but haven’t received the newsletter either.